Exosome Therapy utilises the latest innovation in regenerative technology to deliver a cutting-edge anti-ageing treatment designed to improve skin tone and texture, while addressing and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Exosomes are believed to increase collagen production in the dermis by up to 700% over the course of several months.


Exosomes are microscopic vesicles released by cells containing proteins, growth factors,  amino acids, anti-inflammatory cytokines, and genetic material. They transport this essential biological cargo from one cell to another and seamlessly enter the recipient cell to release their cargo inside. This biological information triggers a cascade of physiological reactions ultimately leading to tissue regeneration. More specifically, they promote cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation, ultimately boosting the formation of key tissue components and protein formation, leading to extraordinary regenerative effects.


Exosome in aesthetic medicine

In the realm of aesthetic medicine, exosomes offer a groundbreaking solution for skin repair and rejuvenation. By enhancing cellular function, exosomes have the potential to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin in ways previously unattainable by improving the quality of the skin and texture, diminishing the appearance of age spots, acne spots as well as areas of hyperpigmentation.


How does Exosome work?

Exosomes will be spread on your skin and then a microneedle device will be used to create microscopic channels in the dermis of your skin, causing the exosomes to seep into the deeper layers. More exosomes will be applied topically when these channels are open to maximise   collagen and elastin production by your dermal fibroblast cells.  These exosomes penetrate skin cells, triggering physiological processes that promote tissue repair and regeneration.

The versatile nature of exosomes allows this product to adapt to the individual needs of each person, enhancing skin health and appearance while also addressing specific conditions, including hair loss.

What are the benefits?
  • Skin Aging: Prevents and reverses all signs of skin aging.
  • Skin Conditions: Acne, oily and dry skin, uneven pigmentation, couperose, etc.
  • Hair loss: Improves scalp microenvironment and regenerates hair bulbs.
What is the downtime?

Exosome has minimal downtime. Some redness and slight swelling might appear immediately after the treatment, but should only last up to about 24-48 hours.

When can I expect to see results?
You will start to see visible skin improvement from 48 hours post treatment.

How many treatments?

 Even after 1 treatment you will see a benefit, however the protocol recommends 3 treatments at approximately 3  weeks apart, to achieve the best long-term results. This treatment cycle can be repeated every 6 months.


Face Single Session: £350
Hair Single Session: £350